We live in a world of constant change, on top of that the human being is a really social animal, so we tend to live in communities like we do now. Because of this we have to adapt to our surroundings because it won’t adapt to us. Leading a virtuous life sounds like something that is just for the superreligious people out there. But it is really something each one of us can aim for. For example, there are the virtues of temperance, prudence, courage, and justice. These four virtues are known as the cardinal virtues because they are critical to forming our moral values and guiding our behavior. In addition to the cardinal virtues, there are many other virtues that we can develop.
Virtue is a great word and it has lots of meaning. When we mention virtue we remember morals. The word morals is a big one and it is full of meaning. Morals are in our life and we make moral decisions every day sometimes even without noticing. We do this when we are talking to someone older than we, or when we help someone.
Because of these virtues or positive character traits, he or she is committed to doing the right thing no matter what the personal cost, and does not bend to impulses, urges or desires, but acts according to values and principles. Some might say that good qualities are innate and developed through good parenting, which they are, but we’re not perfect. Virtues need to be cultivated to become more prevalent and habitual in daily life. With the habit of being more virtuous, we take the helm of our own life, redirecting its course towards greater fulfillment, peace and joy.
basic qualities necessary for our well-being and happiness. Necessary because when we practice virtues and build the “character muscle,” we will attract what may have been missing in our life such as fulfilling relationships, achievement of meaningful goals, and happiness. The moment we declare, “I am persevering to achieve this goal in spite of all obstacles, self-doubt and fear,” a shift occurs where we naturally become more focused, determined, and courageous, leading us to success.
Aspirational values are all well and good, all quite admirable but if they are not commonplace in society, their value is minimal, negligible, or even nonexistent, mere empty promises.
The abilities and efforts of individuals and groups to put their values into action, to live their values are the bedrock needed for a sustainable, resilient, and vibrant society.
Traits like: Honesty, integrity, compassion, benevolence, courage and open-mindness apply to individuals or groups as a whole, and may vary between individuals and between groups.
They are in contrast to beliefs, principles, ideals, and rights, which apply more broadly, abstractly, and universally, regardless of the attributes or efforts of a particular individual or particular group.
Moral theories are concerned with right and wrong behavior. This subject area of philosophy is unavoidably tied up with practical concerns about the right behavior. Another distinguishing feature of virtue ethics is that character traits are stable, fixed, and reliable dispositions. If an agent possesses the character trait of kindness, we would expect him or her to act kindly in all sorts of situations, towards all kinds of people, and over a long period of time, even when it is difficult to do so. A person with a certain character can be relied upon to act consistently over a time.
In conclusion, virtue ethics makes a claim about the central role of virtue and character in its understanding of moral life and uses it to answer the questions "How should I live? What kind of person should I be?"